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Emotet activity increases by 730% after being in dormant state for nearly four months

The new Emotet trojan detected in September appeared with two other notorious malware dubbed Trickbot and Ryuk. It also included additional features to steal the contents from victims’ inboxes and credentials for sending outbound emails. Following a four-month vacation, Emotet’s operators were back in mid-September in several cyber espionage campaigns. In most of the cases,

Business IT Support

With the arrival of GDPR, ever increasing security threats and our growing dependency on IT, it’s essential that you have a Microsoft Certified IT Support provider that takes the responsibility of looking after your business, and your data, seriously. As one of the leading providers of IT Support in London, Surrey, Kent & Sussex, we

Data Replication

Make your data available whenever and wherever you want it! Distributed File System (DFS) Replication – Accessible in Microsoft environment under Windows Server. This system allows hierarchical file structure for shared files on different servers of logical network. It is used to reference a set of shares that will make available uniformly and to centralize

Network Security

Conventional Network Protection Is No Longer Enough An important aspect in protecting data against unauthorized modification, destruction & disclosure is to ensure that security infrastructure is always up-to-date and monitored. Oakland appreciate that not all business can afford corporate network security solutions, however it is essential that every business has a secured network infrastructure for it’s

Network Design & Implementation

Keeping your business running smoothly requires building and maintaining a robust, highly available network. Systems Engineering offers proven network design and implementation services that drive results for your business. From wireless networking with VoIP, to multi-location WAN intranets with mobile-ready remote access, to cloud-based storage and retrieval systems, SE has the experience and capacity to