Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm

cyber security

Understand the threats your business faces.

Increasingly complex threat campaigns. High-profile data breaches. Single-minded threat actors. The methods of cyber crime have evolved. Thankfully, so have your defences.

The range of threats that an organisation can face varies hugely from ransomware outbreaks to covert targeted attacks to accidental data breaches. But that doesn’t mean that businesses cannot be prepared for all of these eventualities.

Do you know the threats you face?

Understanding the threats facing your business is a key part of effective cyber security. Learn about the threats you face by contacting the specialists at Oakland Associates
The key to gaining confidence in your security approach is understand the threats your business faces and to implement the right combination of technology and automation, people and skills, policy and process.

The answer is Oakland Associates Managed Security Services.

Oakland Associates offer a range of cyber security and intelligence products and services to protect and enhance the connected world.
For companies that find hiring and training a cyber security professional exhausting and expensive, ourManaged Security Services is a smart alternative. We have multiple options for both manning and instrumenting your organisation – along with a big data platform and advanced analytics experience.
Oakland Associates have defended the networks, data and devices of corporations for over 25 years. We bring that scale, knowledge and capability to the defence of companies – large and small.

Key Process To Protect Your Business!

  • PREPARE: Know who may be attacking you and where. Uncover your weaknesses, visualise your infrastructure and update your strategy and response planning.
  • MANAGE: Make your security operation more effective and efficient. Solve any staffing issues by outsourcing security.
  • MONITOR: Ensure compliance and improve your detection capabilities with a range of monitoring solutions and detection content able to suit your needs.
  • DETECT & RESPOND: Hunt, detect and respond to even the most innovative and novel threats.